Constraints on Light Magnetic Dipole Dark Matter from the ILC and SN 1987A

Feb 28, 2014
5 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 89 (2014) 10, 103528
  • Published: May 22, 2014

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)

To illustrate the complementarity of the linear collider and astrophysics bounds on the light (MeV-scale mass) dark matter (DM), we study the constraints on the magnetic dipole DM from the DM-electron interactions at the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC) and in supernova (SN) 1987A. We in particular focus on the e+e- annihilation, which is the common process for producing DM pairs both at the ILC and in the SN. We estimate the bounds on the DM magnetic dipole moment from the monophoton signals at the ILC and also from the energy loss rate due to the freely streaming DM produced in the SN. The SN bounds can be more stringent than those from the ILC by as much as a factor O(105) for a DM mass below 102  MeV. For larger DM masses, on the other hand, SN rapidly loses its sensitivity and the collider constraints can complement the SN constraints.

  • 5 pages, 1 figure
  • 95.35.+d
  • dipole: magnetic
  • dark matter: dipole
  • dark matter: mass
  • dark matter: magnetic
  • moment: dipole
  • magnetic moment: dipole
  • ILC Coll
  • linear collider
  • electron positron: annihilation