Search for the 4He^4He-η\eta bound state in dd(4Hedd \to (^4He-η)bound3Heππ0\eta)_{bound} \to ^3He\pi\pi^0 and dd(4Hedd \to (^4He-η)bound3Hepπ\eta)_{bound} \to ^3He p\pi^- reactions with the WASA-at-COSY facility

Aug 5, 2014

Citations per year

Abstract: (EDP Sciences)
In November 2010, the search for the ^4He-eta bound state was performed with high statistics and high acceptance with the WASA-at-COSY facility using a ramped beam technique. The signature of eta - mesic nuclei is searched for in the measured excitation functions for the two reaction channels: dd -> ^3Henpi^0 and dd -> ^3Heppi^- near the eta production threshold. This report includes the description of the experimental method and the status of the data analysis.
  • 4 pages
  • eta: threshold
  • bound state: (helium eta)
  • bound state: search for
  • experimental methods
  • deuteron deuteron: nuclear reaction
  • channel cross section: energy dependence
  • WASA
  • Juelich COSY PS
  • deuteron deuteron --> helium pi0
  • deuteron deuteron --> helium p pi-