Lepton Flavour Violation via the Kähler Potential in Compactified M-Theory
May 15, 2015
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We use lepton-flavour violating (LFV) processes as a probe of higher-order corrections to the K\"ahler potential in compactified M-theory. We consider a generic K\"ahler potential with higher-order terms coupling visible sector fields to fields in the hidden sector of the compactified theory. Such terms generally give rise to potentially large flavour-violating effects. Unless there are suppressions, the size of the resulting off-diagonal terms in the K\"ahler potential may be at odds with experimental results. The rare decay and conversion in nuclei probe the size of the potential flavour non-diagonality of the higher-order terms for realistic spectra in the M-theory compactification. We consider a parameterisation of the higher-order corrections in terms of a small parameter . By analysing various textures for the higher-order corrections, we find current bounds on from the LFV processes. The constraint from the neutral kaon mass difference is currently similar to that from . Measurement or new limits on the process and, in the future, conversion in Aluminium, will be an effective probe of the form of the higher-order K\"ahler potential terms. For the preferred range of gravitino masses, unless the K\"ahler potential is strikingly flavour-diagonal, improvement in experimental sensitivity of LFV processes should give a non-zero signal.Note:
- 32 pages, 7 figures
- new physics
- M-theory: compactification
- supergravity
- gravitino: mass
- potential: Kaehler
- potential: correction
- correction: higher-order
- lepton: flavor: violation
- muon: rare decay
- muon: radiative decay
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