Saturation with chiral interactions and consequences for finite nuclei

Apr 10, 2017
11 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.C 96 (2017) 1, 014303
  • Published: Jul 5, 2017

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)
We explore the impact of nuclear matter saturation on the properties and systematics of finite nuclei across the nuclear chart. By using the ab initio in-medium similarity renormalization group (IM-SRG), we study ground-state energies and charge radii of closed-shell nuclei from He4 to Ni78 based on a set of low-resolution two- and three-nucleon interactions that predict realistic saturation properties. We first investigate in detail the convergence properties of these Hamiltonians with respect to model-space truncations for both two- and three-body interactions. We find one particular interaction that reproduces well the ground-state energies of all closed-shell nuclei studied. As expected from their saturation points relative to this interaction, the other Hamiltonians underbind nuclei but lead to a remarkably similar systematics of ground-state energies. Extending our calculations to complete isotopic chains in the sd and pf shells with the valence-space IM-SRG, the same interaction reproduces not only experimental ground states but two-neutron-separation energies and first-excited 2+ states. We also extend the valence-space IM-SRG to calculate radii. Since this particular interaction saturates at too high density, charge radii are still too small compared with experiment. Except for this underprediction, the radius systematics is, however, well reproduced. Our results highlight the renewed importance of nuclear matter as a theoretical benchmark for the development of next-generation chiral interactions.
  • 11 pages, 15 figures, 1 table
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