Comments on One-Form Global Symmetries and Their Gauging in 3d and 4d

Dec 11, 2018
56 pages
Published in:
  • SciPost Phys. 6 (2019) 3, 039
  • Published: Mar 29, 2019

Citations per year

Abstract: (SciPost Fundation)
We study 3d and 4d systems with a one-form global symmetry, explore theirconsequences, and analyze their gauging. For simplicity, we focus onZN\mathbb{Z}_N one-form symmetries. A 3d topological quantum field theory(TQFT) T\mathcal{T} with such a symmetry has NN special lines that generateit. The braiding of these lines and their spins are characterized by a singleinteger pp modulo 2N2N. Surprisingly, if gcd(N,p)=1\gcd(N,p)=1 the TQFT factorizesT=TAN,p\mathcal{T}=\mathcal{T}'\otimes \mathcal{A}^{N,p}. Here T\mathcal{T}' is adecoupled TQFT, whose lines are neutral under the global symmetry andAN,p\mathcal{A}^{N,p} is a minimal TQFT with the ZN\mathbb{Z}_N one-form symmetryof label pp. The parameter pp labels the obstruction to gauging theZN\mathbb{Z}_N one-form symmetry; i.e.\ it characterizes the 't Hooft anomalyof the global symmetry. When p=0p=0 mod 2N2N, the symmetry can be gauged.Otherwise, it cannot be gauged unless we couple the system to a 4d bulk withgauge fields extended to the bulk. This understanding allows us to considerSU(N)SU(N) and PSU(N)PSU(N) 4d gauge theories. Their dynamics is gapped and it isassociated with confinement and oblique confinement -- probe quarks areconfined. In the PSU(N)PSU(N) theory the low-energy theory can include a discretegauge theory. We will study the behavior of the theory with a space-dependentθ\theta-parameter, which leads to interfaces. Typically, the theory on theinterface is not confining. Furthermore, the liberated probe quarks are anyonson the interface. The PSU(N)PSU(N) theory is obtained by gauging the ZN\mathbb{Z}_None-form symmetry of the SU(N)SU(N) theory. Our understanding of the symmetries in3d TQFTs allows us to describe the interface in the PSU(N)PSU(N) theory.
  • 56 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables
  • field theory: topological
  • symmetry: global
  • gauge field theory: discrete
  • interface
  • confinement
  • SU(N)
  • quark
  • field theory
  • space dependence
  • decoupling