New Limits on Axionic Dark Matter from the Magnetar PSR J1745-2900

Aug 25, 2020
10 pages
Published in:
  • Astrophys.J.Lett. 900 (2020) 2, L28
  • Published: Sep 7, 2020

Citations per year

Abstract: (IOP)
Axions are a promising dark matter candidate that were motivated to solve the strong charge-parity problem and that may also address the cosmological matter−antimatter asymmetry. Axion−photon conversion is possible in the presence of the strong magnetic fields, and the photon so produced will have energy equal to the axion mass. Here we report new limits on axionic dark matter obtained from radio spectra of the Galactic Center magnetar PSR J1745−2900. The magnetar has a magnetic field of 1.6 × 1014 G that interacts with a dark matter density 2 × 105 to 2 × 109 times greater than the local dark matter encountered by terrestrial haloscopes, depending on the Galactic dark matter profile. No significant spectral features are detected across 62% of the axion mass range 4.1–165.6 μeV (1–40 GHz). The interpretation of flux limits into limits on the two-photon coupling strength g aγγ depends on the magnetospheric conversion model and on the dark matter density at the Galactic Center. For a standard dark matter profile, we exclude axion models with g aγγ  > 6–34 ×10−12 GeV−1 with 95% confidence over the mass ranges 4.2–8.4, 8.9–10.0, 12.3–16.4, 18.6–26.9, 33.0–62.1, 70.1–74.3, 78.1–80.7, 105.5–109.6, 111.6–115.2, 126.0–159.3, and 162.5–165.6 μeV. For the maximal dark matter cusp allowed by stellar orbits near Sgr A*, these limits reduce to g aγγ  > 6–34 × 10−14 GeV−1, which exclude some theoretical models for masses >33 μeV. Limits may be improved by modeling stimulated axion conversion, by ray-tracing conversion pathways in the magnetar magnetosphere, and by obtaining deeper broad-band observations of the magnetar.
  • 13 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters
  • dark matter: density
  • axion: mass
  • axion: dark matter
  • galaxy: dark matter
  • model: axion
  • magnetic field: high
  • strong interaction: CP
  • magnetar
  • coupling constant
  • two-photon