On the dark radiation role in the Hubble constant tension

Jun 26, 2023
22 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
Dark radiation, parameterized in terms of NeffN_{\rm eff}, has been considered many times in the literature as a possible remedy in alleviating the Hubble constant (H0H_0) tension. We review here the effect of such an extra dark radiation component in the different cosmological observables, focusing mostly on H0H_0. While a larger value of NeffN_{\rm eff} automatically implies a larger value of the Hubble constant, and one would naively expect that such a simple scenario provides a decent solution, more elaborated models are required. Light sterile neutrinos or neutrino asymmetries are among the first-order corrections to the most economical (tree-level) massless dark radiation scenario. However, they are not fully satisfactory in solving the H0H_0 issue. We devote here special attention to second-order corrections: some interacting scenarios, such as those with new dark radiation degrees of freedom that exhibit a non-free streaming nature are highly satisfactory alternative cosmologies where to solve the Hubble constant tension. Models with self-interacting sterile neutrinos and/or majorons, both well-motivated beyond the Standard Model particles, will be discussed along our assessment.
  • Invited chapter for the edited book Hubble Constant Tension (Editors E. Di Valentino and D. Brout, Springer Singapore, expected in 2024)
  • neutrino: sterile
  • dark matter: massless
  • neutrino: asymmetry
  • Hubble constant
  • tension
  • tree approximation
  • new physics
  • cosmological model