First complete description of low-lying spectroscopy in 254^{254}No

Sep 12, 2024
7 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
In this work, we report the first complete shell-model description of low-lying structures of 254^{254}No. Employing the Kuo-Herling effective interaction, the calculations are performed within the Discrete Non-Orthogonal Shell Model recently implemented with the angular-momentum Variation After Projection applied on non-axial wavefunctions. Our calculations show a striking agreement with the experimentally known spectroscopy: the \textit{Yrast} band, the 88^{-} (K=8K=8), 3+3^{+} (K=3K=3) and 10+10^+ (K=10K=10) isomers together with associated KK bands. We reproduce the recently measured Gallagher-Moszkowski splitting between the 3+3^+ (K=3K=3) and 4+4^+ (K=4K=4) band heads. We predict the appearance of a second 0+0^+ state, in excellent agreement with recent new observation. In addition, we systematically examine the ground state spectra, dipole and spectroscopic quadrupole moments of even-even, odd-even, odd-odd nuclei from A=251A=251 to A=256A=256, which are favourably reproduced. The present description of 254^{254}No shows the ability of the Shell Model framework to describe the low-lying properties for such an exotic nucleus at the frontier of modern experimental nuclear physics research.