Blue Monsters at z>10z>10. Where has all their dust gone?

Oct 24, 2024

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Abstract: (arXiv)
The properties of luminous, blue (a.k.a. Blue Monsters), super-early galaxies at redshift z>10z>10 have been successfully explained by the attenuation-free model (AFM) in which dust is pushed to kpc-scales by radiation-driven outflows. As an alternative to AFM, here we assess whether *attenuation-free* conditions can be replaced by a *dust-free* scenario in which dust is produced in very limited amounts and/or later destroyed in the interstellar medium. To this aim we compare the predicted values of the dust-to-stellar mass ratio, ξd\xi_d, with those measured in 15 galaxies at z>10z>10 from JWST spectra, when outflows are not included. Our model constrains ξd\xi_d as a function of several parameters by allowing wide variations in the IMF, dust/metal production, and dust destruction for a set of SN progenitor models and explosion energies. We find logξd2.2\log \xi_d \approx -2.2 for all systems, indicative of the dominant role of SN dust production over destruction in these early galaxies. Such value is strikingly different from the data, which instead indicate logξd<4\log \xi_d < -4. We conclude that dust destruction alone can hardly explain the transparency of Blue Monsters. Other mechanisms, such as outflows, might be required.
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