Multi-Lepton Jets from Quadruple ZZ' via the Higgs Decay at LHC

Jan 29, 2025
19 pages
Report number:
  • OU-HET-1254

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Abstract: (arXiv)
We investigate multi-lepton jet events from the decay of the 125 GeV Higgs boson (hh) into quadruple new gauge bosons (Z)(Z') at the LHC. Such an exotic decay is realized via the process of hϕϕZZZZh \to \phi \phi \to Z'Z'Z'Z' with new scalar boson ϕ\phi in models with an additional U(1)U(1) gauge symmetry. Charged leptons coming from the ZZ' decay tend to be observed as lepton-jets rather than isolated leptons when the masses of ZZ' and ϕ\phi are smaller than O{\cal O}(10) GeV, because of the highly-boosted effects. Performing the signal and background analyses, we find that the branching ratio of h4Zh \to 4Z' is maximally constrained to be smaller than of order 10610^{-6} (10710^{-7}) by using the muonic-lepton jets assuming the integrated luminosity of 140 fb1^{-1} (3000 fb1^{-1}) at LHC. For lighter ZZ' (<2mμ< 2m_\mu), we can use the electronic-lepton jets instead of the muon-jets, by which the upper limit on the branching ratio is obtained to be of order 10610^{-6}-10510^{-5}. These bounds can be converted into the constraint on model parameters such as a mixing angle between hh and ϕ\phi. It is shown that stronger bounds on the mixing angle are obtained in the dark photon case as compared with the previous constraints given by flavor experiments and the Higgs decay hZZh \to Z'Z' in the mass range of mZ10m_{Z'}\lesssim 10 GeV.
  • 19 pages, 6 figures