Investigating Disc-Corona Interaction in Axisymmetric Accretion Disc Models

Mar 11, 2025
11 pages

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Abstract: (arXiv)
The interaction between the accretion disc and its corona plays a critical role in the energy balance and emission mechanisms in astrophysical systems such as active galactic nuclei and X-ray binaries. However, the detailed physics of disc-corona interactions, including the mechanisms driving disc evaporation, and the impact of accretion rate and viscosity, remains poorly understood. Our study aims to extend the well-known disc evaporation model to investigate the disc-corona interaction in a 2D axisymmetric, time-dependent hydrodynamic model, focusing on the effects of viscosity, accretion rate, and their influence on disc evaporation, luminosity, and corona formation. We develop a hydrodynamic model consisting of a thin accretion disc, a corona, and a vacuum region. Our model is implemented in \textit{Athena++}, with the gas-vacuum interface tracking algorithm to handle the vacuum regions. We perform simulations incorporating turbulent viscosity, thermal conduction, Bremsstrahlung cooling, and artificial disc cooling, starting from an adiabatic state to explore the disc-corona interaction. We demonstrate the presence of acoustic shock heating, a mechanism widely studied in the solar physics community but less explored in the context of accretion discs. We find that the viscosity dominates the intensity of disc evaporation, the accretion rate primarily determines the disc truncation radius and the disc luminosity, and there may be a positive correlation between the corona luminosity and the evaporation intensity. We also compare our results with the observations and simulations, and estimate the yy-parameters to explore the potential effects of Compton cooling.
  • 11 pages, 11 figures, submitted to A&A