CMBfit: Rapid WMAP likelihood calculations with normal parameters
Nov, 2003
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We present a method for ultra-fast confrontation of the WMAP cosmic microwave background observations with theoretical models, implemented as a publicly available software package called CMBfit, useful for anyone wishing to measure cosmological parameters by combining WMAP with other observations. The method takes advantage of the underlying physics by transforming into a set of parameters where the WMAP likelihood surface is accurately fit by the exponential of a quartic or sextic polynomial. Building on previous physics based approximations by Hu, Kosowsky and Chu, it combines their speed with precision cosmology grade accuracy. A Fortran code for computing the WMAP likelihood for a given set of parameters is provided, pre-calibrated against CMBfast, accurate to Delta lnL ~ 0.05 over the entire 2sigma region of the parameter space for 6 parameter ``vanilla'' Lambda CDM models. We also provide 7-parameter fits including spatial curvature, gravitational waves and a running spectral index.Note:
- 14 pages, 8 figures, References added, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.D., a Fortran code can be downloaded from
- 98.70.Vc
- 98.80.Es
- 98.80.Bp