Progress in understanding heavy flavor decays

Jul, 1996

Citations per year

I review new results on particles containing a charm or bottom quark, focusing on measurements that give insight into the dynamics of the decay process. Leptonic and semileptonic decays are the simplest modes, and they provide detailed tests of theoretical predictions based on methods such as lattice QCD, heavy quark effective theory, and QCD sum rules. Although hadronic decays are much more complicated, the factorization hypothesis makes predictions that, at least for certain processes, are in accord with measurements. I also emphasize the importance of precise measurements of branching fractions for normalizing modes, whose uncertainties propagate into many other quantities. Rare hadronic decays are now becoming accessible to several experiments, and I discuss new results and their implications. Finally, I review b-hadron lifetime measurements, which are steadily improving in precision and which indicate a significant difference between B-meson and b-baryon lifetimes.
  • 22 pages, 21 figures, LaTex, to be published in the Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Warsaw, Poland, 1996 Report-no: UCSB-HEP-97-01
  • review: Warsaw 1996/07/25
  • heavy quark
  • quark: decay
  • charmed particle: electroproduction
  • charmed particle: decay modes
  • bottom particle: electroproduction
  • bottom particle: hadroproduction
  • bottom particle: decay modes
  • leptonic decay
  • semileptonic decay