A Transverse lattice QCD model for mesons

Aug, 2003
69 pages
  • Apoorva Patel
Report number:
  • IISC-CHEP-9-05

Citations per year

This thesis describes work done by me during my tenure as a Ph.D. student at the Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Chapter 1 is a brief introduction to QCD. In Chapter 2, we formulate QCD in the large-NcN_{c} and strong transverse coupling limits, and then exactly integrate out all the gauge degrees of freedom to obtain the generating functional for quark-antiquark bilinears. We study the chiral properties of our limiting theory in Chapter 3, for naive as well as Wilson fermions, and obtain a recursive relation for the chiral condensate. In Chapter 4, we obtain the homogeneous integral equation satisfied by the meson states of our theory. Comparison of this equation with the corresponding one for the 't~Hooft model allows us to infer many physical meson properties. Our results are consistent with phenomenological expectations, and this is the first time that such results have been obtained from (3+1)(3+1)-dim QCD, with only quark and gluon degrees of freedom and no ad hoc model assumptions. Extraction of precise values requires numerical solution of the integral equation: we have not yet carried that out and we describe our outlook for further investigations at the end of Chapter 4. Three appendices supplement our analysis. Our notation and conventions are listed in Appendix A. The known results for mesons in the 't~Hooft model and in strong coupling lattice QCD are rederived, in Appendix B and in Appendix C respectively, using the same methodology as followed in the thesis. That allows convenient comparison, as well as demonstrates the advantage of our approach over these two well-studied approximations to QCD.
  • Ph.D. Thesis (Advisor: Apoorva Patel)
  • thesis
  • fermion: lattice field theory
  • gauge field theory: SU(N)
  • expansion 1/N: color
  • condensation: chiral
  • meson: mass spectrum
  • lattice: transverse