Computation of the heavy - light decay constant using nonrelativistic lattice QCD

Mar, 1994
33 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 50 (1994) 4639-4648
Report number:
  • HUPD-9403

Citations per year

We report results on a lattice calculation of the heavy-light meson decay constant employing the non-relativistic QCD approach for heavy quark and Wilson action for light quark. Simulations are carried out at β=6.0\beta=6.0 on a 16 3×4816~3\times 48 lattice. Signal to noise ratio for the ground state is significantly improved compared to simulations in the static approximation, enabling us to extract the decay constant reliably. We compute the heavy-light decay constant for several values of heavy quark mass and estimate the magnitude of the deviation from the heavy mass scaling law fPmP=constf_{P} \sqrt{m_{P}} = const. For the BB meson we find fB=171±22 +1945f_{B} = 171\pm 22~{+19}_{-45} MeV, while an extrapolation to the static limit yields fB staticf_{B}~{static} = 297±36 +1530297\pm 36~{+15}_{-30} MeV.
  • fermion: lattice field theory
  • quantum chromodynamics: nonrelativistic
  • B: decay constant
  • decay constant: B
  • meson: mass
  • mass: meson
  • perturbation theory
  • quark: mass
  • mass: quark
  • current: axial-vector