The Spectral dimension of the branched polymer phase of two-dimensional quantum gravity
Oct, 199729 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 515 (1998) 549-574
- hep-lat/9710024 [hep-lat]
Report number:
- OUTP-97-33-P
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The metric of two-dimensional quantum gravity interacting with conformal matter is believed to collapse to a branched polymer metric when the central charge c>1. We show analytically that the spectral dimension of such a branched polymer phase is four thirds. This is in good agreement with numerical simulations for large c.Note:
- 29 pages plain LateX2e, 7 eps figures included using epsf Report-no: OUTP-97-33P
- 04.60.Nc
- 05.20.-y
- Conformal matter
- Quantum gravity
- Branched polymer
- Spectral dimension
- quantum gravity
- dimension: 2
- model: polymer
- critical phenomena: percolation