Simulating the vacuum properties of QCD with dynamical quarks

Jul, 1997

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The vacuum properties of lattice QCD with staggered quarks are investigated by an efficient simulation method. I present data for the quark condensate with flavor number Nf=0, 1, 2, 3, 4N_f=0, ~ 1, ~ 2, ~ 3, ~ 4 and many quark masses, including the vacuum energy in the chiral limit. Obvious sea quark effects are observed in some parameter space. I also describe a mechanism to understand this and a formula relating the chiral condensate and zero modes.
  • talk: Edinburgh 1997/07/22
  • fermion: lattice field theory
  • gauge field theory: SU(3)
  • quark: condensation
  • dependence: flavor
  • flavor: 0-4
  • dependence: mass
  • vacuum state: energy
  • symmetry: chiral
  • quark: sea