Constraints on the mass and mixing of the fourth generation quark from direct CP violation epsilon-prime / epsilon and rare K decays

May, 2000
17 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 64 (2001) 016009

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We investigate the ϵ/ϵ\epsilon^{\prime} /\epsilon for KππK\to \pi\pi in a sequential fourth generation model. By giving the basic formulae for ϵ/ϵ\epsilon^{\prime}/\epsilon in this model, we analyze the numerical results which are dependent of mtm_{t^{\prime}} and imaginary part of the fourth CKM factor, ImVtsVtd{Im}V^{*}_{t^{'}s}V_{t^{'}d} (or VtsVtdV^{*}_{t^{'}s}V_{t^{'}d} and the fourth generation CKM matrix phase θ\theta). We find that, unlike the SM, when taking the central values of all parameters for ϵ/ϵ\epsilon^{\prime}/\epsilon, the values of ϵ/ϵ\epsilon^{\prime}/ \epsilon can easily fit to the current experimental data for all values of hadronic matrix elements estimated from various approaches. Also, we show that the experimental values of ϵ/ϵ\epsilon^{\prime}/\epsilon and rare K decays can provide a strong constraint on both mass and mixing of the fourth generation quark. When taking the values of hadronic matrix elements from the lattice or 1/N expansion calculations, a large region of the up-type quark mass mtm_{t^{\prime}} is excluded.
  • 18 pages, 4 eps figures
  • K: hadronic decay
  • K: rare decay
  • K: branching ratio
  • CP: violation
  • quark: mass
  • quark: mixing angle
  • family: 4
  • CKM matrix matrix
  • lattice field theory
  • expansion 1/N