A Simple out-of-equilibrium field theory formalism?
Apr, 20015 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 64 (2001) 056006
- hep-ph/0104075 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- LPT-ORSAY-01-31,
- BNL-NT-01-7
Citations per year
In this paper, we determine a condition of applicability of a very simple formalism for the calculation of a fast process taking place in a non-equilibrium medium, in which the particle distribution functions are frozen in time. Indeed, a well known obstacle for the use of such a naive formalism is the appearance of the so-called ``pinch singularities''. We argue that these potentially dangerous terms can be regularized, and that they are negligible if the characteristic time-scale of the process under study is small compared to the relaxation time of the system.- finite temperature
- propagator
- perturbation theory: higher-order
- regularization