Elliptic flow of colored glass in high-energy heavy ion collisions
Apr, 2002Citations per year
We compute the elliptic flow generated by classical gluon fields in a high energy nuclear collision. The classical gluon fields are described by a typical momentum scale, the saturation scale Lambda_s, which is, for RHIC energies, of the order of 1-2 GeV. A significant elliptic flow is generated only over time scales on the order of the system size R. The flow is dominated by soft modes which linearize at very late times . We discuss the implications of our result for the theoretical interpretation of the RHIC data.Note:
- 5 pages, 4 figures, extend discussions and add references
- scattering: heavy ion
- color glass condensate
- angular distribution: particle flow
- anisotropy
- time dependence
- transverse momentum dependence
- numerical calculations
- bibliography