Color superconductivity of QCD at high baryon density

Apr, 2004
52 pages
Report number:
  • RU04-1-B

Citations per year

At sufficiently high baryon density, a quark matter is expected to become a color superconductor because of the pairing forces mediated by gluons. The theoretical aspect of this novel phase of the strong interaction is reviewed with the emphasis on the perturbation theory of QCD at high chemical potential and low temperature. The derivation of the scaling formula of the superconducting transition temperature at weak coupling is explained in detail. The Ginzburg-Landau theory of the color superconductivity is also discussed.
  • lectures: Beijing 2003/12/08
  • quantum chromodynamics
  • color: superconductivity
  • baryon: density
  • quark: matter
  • critical phenomena
  • perturbation theory
  • gluon: exchange
  • potential: chemical
  • temperature: scaling