Tagging sneutrino resonances at a linear collider with associated photons
Dec, 2004
Citations per year
Sneutrino resonances at a high energy linear e+e- collider may be one of the clearest signals of supersymmetry without R-parity, especially when the R-parity-violating coupling is too small to produce observable excesses in four-fermion processes. However, there is no guarantee that the sneutrino pole will lie anywhere near the machine energy. We show that associated photon production induces the necessary energy spread, and that the resonance then leaves a clear imprint in the photon spectrum. It follows that tagging of a hard mono-energetic photon for a variety of possible final states provides a realistic method of separating sneutrino resonance signals from the Standard Model backgrounds.Note:
- 25 pages, LaTeX, figures embedded, references added
- 12.60.Jv
- 14.80.Ly
- electron positron: annihilation
- supersymmetry
- R parity: violation
- sneutrino: electroproduction
- photon: associated production
- channel cross section
- sneutrino: mass
- sneutrino: decay modes