A Study of heavy flavored meson fragmentation functions in e+ e- annihilation

Oct, 2005
48 pages
Published in:
  • JHEP 04 (2006) 006
Report number:
  • BICOCCA-FT-05-23,
  • LPTHE-05-24

Citations per year

We compare QCD theoretical predictions for heavy flavoured mesons fragmentation spectra in e+ e- annihilation with data from CLEO, BELLE and LEP. We include several effects in our calculation: next-to-leading order initial conditions, evolution and coefficient functions. Soft-gluon effects are resummed at next-to-leading-log accuracy. A matching condition for the crossing of the bottom threshold in evolution is also implemented at next-to-leading order accuracy. Important initial-state electromagnetic radiation effects in the CLEO and BELLE data are accounted for. We find that, with reasonably simple choices of a non-perturbative correction to the fixed-order initial condition for the evolution, the data from CLEO and BELLE can be fitted with remarkable accuracy. The fitted fragmentation function, when evolved to LEP energies, does not however represent fairly the D* fragmentation spectrum measured by ALEPH. Large non-perturbative corrections to the coefficient functions of the meson spectrum are needed in order to reconcile CLEO/BELLE and ALEPH results. Non-perturbative parameters extracted from the fits to e+ e- fragmentation data for D/D* and B mesons are tabulated. They can be employed in the theoretical predictions for the production of charmed and bottomed mesons in hadron-hadron, photon-hadron and photon-photon collisions.
  • electron positron: inclusive reaction
  • charmed meson: electroproduction
  • B: electroproduction
  • fragmentation function
  • quantum chromodynamics: perturbation theory
  • effect: nonperturbative
  • leading logarithm approximation: higher-order
  • photon: emission
  • D: hadroproduction
  • numerical calculations: interpretation of experiments