The Evolution of the pion distribution amplitude in next-to-leading-order
Oct, 199423 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 51 (1995) 3855-3864
- hep-ph/9411338 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- SLAC-PUB-6622
Citations per year
The evolution of the pion distribution amplitude in next-to-leading order is studied for a fixed and a running coupling constant. In both cases, the evolution provides a logarithmic modification in the endpoint region. Assuming a simple parameterization of the distribution amplitude at a scale of , it is shown numerically that these effects are large enough at that they have to be taken into account in the next-to-leading-order analysis for exclusive processes. Alternatively, by introducing a new distribution amplitude that evolves more smoothly, this logarithmic modification can be included in the hard-scattering part of the considered process.Note:
- 17 pages LaTeX + 3 uuencoded and compressed postscript figures
- pi: form factor
- form factor: pi
- quantum chromodynamics
- perturbation theory: higher-order
- scattering amplitude: factorization
- factorization: scattering amplitude
- coupling constant: strong interaction
- strong interaction: coupling constant
- pi: wave function
- quark: momentum spectrum