Fermion masses without Higgs: A Supersymmetric technicolor model
Apr, 199524 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 449 (1995) 462-482
- hep-ph/9504399 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- BUHEP-95-12
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We propose a supersymmetric technicolor model in which the electroweak symmetry breaking is communicated to the quarks and leptons by technicolored -singlet scalars. When the technifermions condense, the quarks and leptons of the third generation acquire mass. The fermions of the other generations do not couple to the technicolored scalars but they receive masses from radiative corrections involving superpartners. As a result, the mass hierarchy between the fermion generations arises naturally. The model predicts the CP asymmetries in meson decays and in transitions to be smaller by two orders of magnitude than the ones predicted in the Standard Model.Note:
- 25 pages, latex, 4 figures included which require feynman.tex (available from hep-ph) Report-no: BUHEP-95-12
- model: technicolor
- supersymmetry
- fermion: mass generation
- mass generation: fermion
- mass: hierarchy
- hierarchy: mass
- B: decay
- decay: B
- CP: violation
- neutral current: flavor changing