Contribution of preequilibrium gluons to J / psi suppression in lead-lead collisions at 158-A-GeV

Apr, 1996
14 pages
Report number:
  • COMENIUS-PH2-96,

Citations per year

We point out that dissociation of J/Psi by gluons produced in semi-hard nucleon-nucleon sub-collisions may explain at least a part of the J/Psi suppression observed recently by the NA-50 Collaboration in Pb-Pb interactions at the CERN-SPS.Our arguments are based on a model in which individual nucleon- nucleon interactions in heavy ion collisions are harder than interactions between free nucleons due to the Landau- Pomeranchuk effect.Suppression by semi- hard gluons represents an additional factor to the Gerschel- Huefner mechanism of J/Psi suppression by nucleons.The estimated density of semi-hard gluons approaches- in a small volume and for a short time - that required for the phase transition.Our conclusions are rather qualitative since accurate estimates of various parameters are not available.
  • 17 pp,Latex, 1 Table in Latex,1 Fig. in Latex, amended computations, conclusions unchanged, instead of "pre- equilibrium gluons" we refer to less ambiguous "intermediate stage gluons"
  • nucleus nucleus: nuclear reaction
  • lead
  • nucleon nucleon: interaction
  • interaction: nucleon nucleon
  • J/psi(3100): hadroproduction
  • hadroproduction: J/psi(3100)