Jet cross-sections in gamma* gamma scattering at e+ e- colliders in NLO QCD

Jul, 1998

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Recent results from NLO QCD calculations for inclusive jet cross sections in gamma^*-gamma scattering at e+e- colliders, especially for LEP, are reported. The virtuality Q^2 of the virtual photon is non-zero and can be unlimited large. The virtuality of the second photon is zero and the spectrum is calculated with the Weizs"acker-Williams approximation. Four components of the cross sections have to be distinguished, involving direct and resolved real and virtual photon contributions. Since Q^2 is non-zero, the virtual photon structure function is needed to calculate the contributions involving a resolved virtual photon.
  • 4 pages, LaTeX, 3 eps figures, espcrc2 style used. Talk given at International Euroconference on Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD 98), Montpellier, France, 2-8 Jul 1998
  • talk: Montpellier 1998/07/02
  • electron positron: inelastic scattering
  • exchange: two-photon
  • photon photon: interaction
  • photon: off-shell
  • jet: photoproduction
  • jet: electroproduction
  • jet: pair production
  • equivalent photon approximation
  • quantum chromodynamics