Running mass of the rho0 meson's implication for the dilepton mass spectrum and the mu+ mu- / e+ e- branching ratio in the K+ ---> pi+ lepton+ lepton- decays
Mar, 1999Citations per year
We make an attempt to resolve the discrepancy of the observed e+e- mass spectrum in the K+ --> pi+e+e- decay with that predicted by meson dominance. To this end we investigate the properties of the rho0 propagator. We use dispersion relations to evaluate the running mass squared m_rho^2(t) of the rho0 resonance without adjustable parameters. To improve the convergence of the dispersion integral, the momentum dependence of strong vertices is taken from the flux-tube-breaking model of Kokoski and Isgur. The obtained behavior of m_rho^2(t) at small momentum squared t makes the K+ --> pi+e+e- form factor rise faster with increasing than in the original meson-dominance calculation and more in agreement with the published data. As a consequence, the meson-dominance prediction of the mu+mu-/e+e- branching ratio changes slightly, from 0.224 to 0.236. We do not see any possibility to accommodate into the meson-dominance approach an even steeper e+e- spectrum, indicated by the preliminary data of the E865 collaboration at BNL AGS.- K+: rare decay
- K+: semileptonic decay
- K+: branching ratio
- mass spectrum: dilepton
- model: meson dominance
- rho(770)0: mass
- rho(770)0: propagator
- dispersion relation
- flux tube
- vertex function: (rho(770)0 2pi)