Logarithmic conformal field theories and strings in changing backgrounds
Jul, 2004109 pages
Part of From fields to strings: Circumnavigating theoretical physics. Ian Kogan memorial collection (3 volume set), 1257-1364
Contribution to:
- hep-th/0407026 [hep-th]
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I review a particular class of physical applications of Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory in strings propagating in changing (not necessarily conformal) backgrounds, namely D-brane recoil in flat or time-dependent cosmological backgrounds. The role of recoil logarithmic vertex operators as non-conformal deformations, requiring in some cases Liouville dressing, is pointed out. It is also argued that, although in the case of non-supersymmetric recoil deformations the representation of target time as a Liouville zero mode may lead to non-linear quantum mechanics for stringy defects, such non-linearities disappear (or, at least, are strongly suppressed) after world-sheet supersymmetrization. A possible link is therefore suggested between (world-sheet) supersymmetry and linearity of quantum mechanics in this framework.Note:
- Review contributed to I. Kogan Memorial Volume (World Sc. to be published) •
- 108 pages LATEX, Review contributed to I. Kogan Memorial Volume (World Sci. to be published)
- review
- field theory: conformal
- string model
- membrane model: D-brane
- operator: vertex
- renormalization group: transformation
- background field
- matrix model
- Schroedinger equation: nonlinear
- transformation: modular