Conformally exact results for SL(2,R) x SO(1,1)(d-2) / SO(1,1) coset models
Jun, 199221 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 389 (1993) 424-444
- hep-th/9206048 [hep-th]
Report number:
- USC-92-HEP-S1
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Using the conformal invariance of the coset models we calculate the conformally exact metric and dilaton, to all orders in the expansion. We consider both vector and axial gauging. We find that these cosets represent two different space--time geometries: ( black hole)\otimes \IR~{d-2} for the vector gauging and ( black string)\otimes \IR~{d-3} for the axial one. In particular for and for the axial gauging one obtains the exact metric and dilaton of the charged black string model introduced by Horne and Horowitz. If the value of is finite we find two curvature singularities which degenerate to one in the semi--classical limit. We also calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients for the scattering of a tachyon wave and using the Bogoliubov transformation we find the Hawking temperature.- invariance: conformal
- field theory: dilaton
- scattering: tachyon
- tachyon: scattering
- temperature: Hawking
- Bogolyubov transformation
- string model
- coset space: SL(2,R) x SO(1,1)**N/SO(1,1)