Superconformal Affine Liouville theory
May, 199210 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 292 (1992) 67-76
- Published: 1992
- hep-th/9208048 [hep-th]
Report number:
- BONN-HE-92-16
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We present a superconformally invariant and integrable model based on the twisted affine Kac-Moody superalgebra which is the supersymmetrization of the purely bosonic conformal affine Liouville theory recently proposed by Babelon and Bonora. Our model reduces to the super-Liouville or to the super sinh-Gordon theories under certain limit conditions and can be obtained, via hamiltonian reduction, from a superspace WZNW model with values in the corresponding affine KM supergroup. The reconstruction formulae for classical solutions are given. The classical -matrices in the homogeneous grading and the exchange algebras are worked out.- field theory: Liouville
- field theory: affine
- integrability
- invariance: conformal
- algebra: Kac-Moody
- Wess-Zumino-Witten model
- supersymmetry
- algebra: exchange
- exchange: algebra
- algebra: OSp(2/2)