Selfdual supergravity and supersymmetric Yang-Mills coupled to Green-Schwarz superstring

Oct, 1992
29 pages
Published in:
  • Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 9 (1994) 3077-3101
Report number:
  • UMDEPP-93-79

Citations per year

We present the {\it canonical} set of superspace constraints for self-dual supergravity, a ``self-dual'' tensor multiplet and a self-dual Yang-Mills multiplet with N=1N=1 supersymmetry in the space-time with signature (+,+,,)(+,+,-,-). For this set of constraints, the consistency of the self-duality conditions on these multiplets with supersymmetry is manifest. The energy-momentum tensors of all the self-dual ``matter'' multiplets vanish, to be consistent with the self-duality of the Riemann tensor. In particular, the special significance of the ``self-dual'' tensor multiplet is noted. This result fills the gap left over in our previous series of papers, with respect to the consistent couplings among the self-dual matter multiplets. We also couple these non-trivial backgrounds to a Green-Schwarz superstring \s\-model, under the requirement of invariance under fermionic (kappa) symmetry. The finiteness of the self-dual supergravity is discussed, based on its ``off-shell'' structure. A set of exact solutions for the ``self-dual'' tensor and self-dual Yang-Mills multiplets for the gauge group SL(2)SL(2) on self-dual gravitational instanton background is given, and its consistency with the Green-Schwarz string \s\-model is demonstrated.
  • string model
  • sigma model: nonlinear
  • supersymmetry: superspace
  • gauge field theory: Yang-Mills
  • supergravity
  • duality
  • constraint
  • field equations: solution