Quantization of the tachyonic field

Oct, 1994
17 pages
Report number:
  • KFT-UL-2-92A

Citations per year

A consistent quantization scheme for imaginary-mass field is proposed. It is related to an appriopriate choice of the synchronization procedure (definition of time), which guarantee an absolute causality. In that formulation a possible existence of field exctitations (tachyons) distinguish an inertial frame (tachyon privileged frame of reference) via spontaneous breaking of the so called synchronization group.
  • 17pp., RevTeX 3.0, KFT UL 2/94; eq. (29) and minor misprints corrected
  • field theory: tachyon
  • quantization
  • causality
  • relativity theory
  • cosmic background radiation
  • spontaneous symmetry breaking
  • transformation: Lorentz