Determinant formula for the topological N=2 superconformal algebra
May, 199942 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 558 (1999) 503-544
- hep-th/9905063 [hep-th]
Report number:
- DAMTP-1999-32,
- HUTP-98-A055,
- IMAFF-FM-99-07,
- NIKHEF-99-004
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The Kac determinant for the Topological N=2 superconformal algebra is presented as well as a detailed analysis of the singular vectors detected by the roots of the determinants. In addition we identify the standard Verma modules containing `no-label' singular vectors (which are not detected directly by the roots of the determinants). We show that in standard Verma modules there are (at least) four different types of submodules, regarding size and shape. We also review the chiral determinant formula, for chiral Verma modules, adding new insights. Finally we transfer the results obtained to the Verma modules and singular vectors of the Ramond N=2 algebra, which have been very poorly studied so far. This work clarifies several misconceptions and confusing claims appeared in the literature about the singular vectors, Verma modules and submodules of the Topological N=2 superconformal algebra.Note:
- 42 pages, 10 figures, Latex. References to the work of M. Yu and collaborators added. Minor improvements in footnotes 3 and 14. Very similar to the version published in Nucl. Phys. B Report-no: DAMTP-99-32, IMAFF-FM-99/07, Nucl. Phys. B 558 [PM] 503 (1999) Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory; Mathematical Physics; Quantum Algebra; Representation Theory; Operator Algebras
- 11.25.Hf
- 11.25.Pm
- 11.25.-w
- N = 2 superconformal algebra
- Topological algebra
- Superstrings
- algebra: conformal
- supersymmetry
- algebra: topology
- algebra: representation