Finite one loop calculations in quantum gravity: Graviton selfenergy, perturbative gauge invariance and Slavnov-Ward identities

Dec, 1999
38 pages
Report number:
  • ZU-TH-38-1999

Citations per year

In this paper we show that the one-loop graviton self-energy contribution is ultraviolet finite, without introducing counterterms, and cutoff-free in the framework of causal perturbation theory. In addition, it satisfies the gravitational Slavnov-Ward identities for the two-point connected Green function. The condition of perturbative gauge invariance to second order for loop graphs is proved. Corrections to the Newtonian potential are also derived.
  • quantum gravity
  • perturbation theory: higher-order
  • field theory: finite
  • graviton: propagator
  • Slavnov identity
  • Ward identity
  • invariance: gauge