We show that the quantum affine algebra U_{q}(A_{1}^{(1)}) and the quantum affine superalgebra U_{q}(C(2)^{(2)}) admit unified description. The difference between them consists in the phase factor which is equal to 1 for U_{q}(A_{1}^{(1)}) and is equal to -1 for U_{q}(C(2)^{(2)}). We present such a description for the construction of Cartan-Weyl generators and their commutation relations, as well for the universal R-matrices.
  • 16 pages, LaTeX. Talk by V.N. Tolstoy at XIV-th Max Born Symposium "New Symmetries and Integrable Models", Karpacz, September 1999; in press in Proceedings, Ed. World Scientific, 2000