Energy Dependence of the Lambda-Sigma0 Production in Proton-Proton Collisions

Apr, 2006
10 pages
Report number:
  • FAU-TP3-06-03

Citations per year

The energy dependence of the reactions pp -> p Lambda K+ and pp -> p Sigma0 K+ and the ratio R(Lambda/Sigma0} is studied in a constituent quark-gluon model, including the excitation of the baryon resonances N*(1650), N*(1710) and N*(1720) near the Lambda/Sigma0 thresholds. Representing the baryons as quark-diquark objects, the energy dependent ratio Lambda/Sigma0, which is qualitatively reproduced up to excess energies of 60 MeV above threshold, provides detailed information on the momentum spectrum of axial diquarks in the proton and the Sigma0.
  • strangeness production
  • scalar and axial diquarks
  • energy dependence Lambda / Sigma0
  • p p: exclusive reaction
  • K+: hadroproduction
  • Lambda: associated production
  • Sigma0: associated production
  • threshold
  • channel cross section: ratio
  • energy dependence