A model calculation for the reactions pppΛK+pp\to p\Lambda K^+ and ppNΣKpp\to N\Sigma K near their thresholds is presented. It is argued that the experimentally observed strong suppression of Σ0\Sigma^0 production compared to Λ\Lambda production at the same excess energy could be due to a destructive interference between the π\pi and KK exchange contributions in the reaction pppΣ0K+pp\to p\Sigma^0 K^+. Predictions for pppΣ+K0pp\to p\Sigma^+ K^0 and ppnΣ+K+pp\to n\Sigma^+ K^+ are given.
  • 3 pages, 1 figure, uses espcrc1.sty, contribution presented at the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Taipei, Taiwan, 6-10 March 2000
  • talk: Taipei 2000/03/06
  • p p: exclusive reaction
  • hyperon: hadroproduction
  • Lambda
  • Sigma0
  • Sigma+
  • channel cross section: energy dependence
  • pi: exchange
  • K: exchange
  • interference