Dileptons from disoriented chiral condensates
Apr, 1997
22 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.C 57 (1998) 280-290
- nucl-th/9704018 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- LBL-40175,
- LBNL-40175
Citations per year
Disoriented chiral condensates or long wavelength pionic oscillations and their interaction with the thermal environment can be a significant source of dileptons. We calculate the yield of such dilepton production within the linear sigma model, both in a quantal mean-field treatment and in a semi-classical approximation. We then illustrate the basic features of the dilepton spectrum in a schematic model. We find that dilepton yield with invariant mass near and below due to the soft pion modes can be up to two orders of magnitude larger than the corresponding equilibrium yield.Note:
- 22 pages, 8 figures, uses epsf-style
- vacuum state
- symmetry breaking: chiral
- pi: condensation
- pi: oscillation
- electromagnetic interaction
- lepton: pair production
- sigma model: linear
- mean field approximation: quantum mechanics
- approximation: semiclassical
- yield: dilepton