Compton scattering on the charged pion and the process gamma gamma ---> pi0 pi0
Oct, 1998Citations per year
The Compton scattering on a charged pion and the process \gamma\gamma \to \pi^0\pi^0 are studied using the dispersion relations. Unknown parameters of the S-wave \pi\pi interaction, represented as a board Breit-Wignar resonance, and a sum and a difference of the \pi^0 meson polarizabilities are found from a fit to the experimental data for the process \gamma+\gamma \to \pi^0+\pi^0. This fit gives \alpha+\beta=0.98\pm 0.03 and \alpha-\beta=-1.6\pm 2.2. The found parameters of the S-wave \pi\pi interaction are used for the calculation of the cross section of the Compton scattering on \pi^{\pm} meson. The analysis of the obtained results shows that the experimental data for the elastic \gamma\pi scattering in the energy region up to 1 GeV together with the data for the process \gamma+\gamma \to \pi^0+\pi^0 could be used both for a determination of the pion polarizability values with quite high accuracy and for study of the S-wave \pi\pi interaction.Note:
- LaTex, 19 pages including 6 figures. Substantial revised version Journal-ref: Eur. Phys. J. A5, 285 (1999)
- photon pi: Compton scattering
- pi: charged particle
- photon photon: exclusive reaction
- pi0: photoproduction
- pi0: pair production
- dispersion relation
- f0(600)
- pi0: polarizability
- differential cross section: momentum transfer
- cross section: energy dependence