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Lobster-ISS is a revolutionary astrophysical X-ray all-sky monitor scheduled for deployment as an attached payload on the International Space Station (ISS) in 2009. Using a new wide field-of-view focusing optic, Lobster-ISS provides an order-of-magnitude improvement in the sensitivity of all-sky monitors in the soft X-ray band (0.1-3.0 keV). This lobster-eye optic presents unique challenges to the imaging X-ray detector at its focus. Micro-patterned imaging proportional counters, with thier mechanical simplicity and high performance, are the most practical means of meeting the requirements. We describe our design for the Lobster-ISS imaging detector based on direct-imaging micro-well proportional counters and the expected performance.
  • To be published in NIM A. Presented at the sixth international conference on position sensitive detectors (PSD6)