Vacuum system of the large cyclotrons at VECC
10 pages
Published in:
- J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 390 (2012) 012001
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Abstract: (IOP)
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) has two large cyclotrons, K-130 cyclotron and K-500 cyclotron. The first beam in the room temperature K-130 cyclotron (RTC) was accelerated in June 1977. The cyclotron accelerated and delivered alpha and proton beams consistently to the cyclotron users for several years. Heavy ion beams were available in this cyclotron from 1997 to 2007. Presently, the cyclotron is working as a primary source for RIB production. The cyclotron has an acceleration chamber volume of about 28 m(3). The total length of beam line is about 65 m. Vacuum of the order of 1 x 10(-')(6) mbar is presently maintained in the cyclotron and beam line using diffusion pumps. It is one of the largest vacuum systems operating in India. It is consistently being operated 24 x 7 round the year giving beam to the cyclotron users. A K-500 superconducting cyclotron (SCC) with K=520 has been constructed at Kolkata. SCC will be used to accelerate beams to 80 MeV/A for light heavy ions and about 10 MeV/A for medium mass heavy ions. Three turbo molecular pumps are connected to the acceleration chamber. Three cryopanels placed inside the lower dees in the valley gap of the superconducting magnet are available in the accelerating chamber for achieving high vacuum. The acceleration chamber having a volume of about 1.0 m(3) was operated using turbomolecular pumps, liquid nitrogen cooled panels and liquid helium cooled cryopanels at different stages during beam commissioning. Differential pumping is provided across the RF liner to avoid distortion. The first beam line of about 21 m has been installed in the cyclotron. The outer vacuum chamber of the cyclotron magnet cryostat has active pumping. The vacuum system of the superconducting cyclotron is also operating reliably round the clock throughout the year. The paper describes the details of the vacuum systems of the large cyclotrons at VEC Centre Kolkata India, its commissioning and operating experience.References(24)
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