Production of in double-parton scattering within -factorization approach -- meson-meson correlations
Jan, 201311 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 87 (2013) 7, 074039
- Published: Apr 30, 2013
- 1301.4469 [hep-ph]
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Abstract: (APS)
We discuss production of two pairs of cc¯ in proton-proton collisions at the LHC. Both double-parton scattering (DPS) and single-parton scattering contributions are included in the analysis. Each step of DPS is calculated within a kt-factorization approach, which effectively includes some next-to-leading-order corrections. The conditions of how to identify the DPS contribution are presented. The discussed mechanism unavoidably leads to the production of pairs of mesons: DiDj (each containing c quarks) or D¯iD¯j (each containing c¯ antiquarks). We calculate corresponding production rates for different combinations of charmed mesons as well as some differential distribution for (D0D0+D¯0D¯0) production. Within large theoretical uncertainties, the predicted DPS cross section is fairly similar to the cross section measured recently by the LHCb collaboration. The best description is obtained with the Kimber-Martin-Ryskin unintegrated gluon distribution, which very well simulates higher-order corrections. The contribution of single-parton scattering, calculated in the high-energy approximation, turned out to be rather small. Finally, we emphasize the significant contribution of the DPS mechanism to inclusive charmed meson spectra measured recently by ALICE, ATLAS, and the LHCb.- 14.65.Dw
- 13.87.Ce
- correction: higher-order
- p p: inclusive reaction
- higher-order: 1
- transverse momentum: factorization
- charmed meson: pair production
- meson meson
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