Event mixing does not reproduce single particle acceptance convolutions for nonuniform pseudorapidity distributions
Apr 30, 20133 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.C 88 (2013) 6, 064907
- Published: Dec 10, 2013
- 1304.8120 [nucl-ex]
Citations per year
Abstract: (APS)
We point out that the mixed-event method for two-particle acceptance correction, widely used in particle correlation measurements at the BNL Realtivistic Heavy Ion Collider and the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is wrong in cases where the single-particle pseudorapidity distribution is significantly nonuniform. The correct acceptance should be the convolution of two single-particle efficiency × acceptance functions. The error of the mixed-event method, which guarantees a uniform Δη two-particle combinatorial density, is, however, small in correlation analyses where the two particles are integrated over an extended pseudorapidity η range. With one particle fixed in η and the right acceptance correction, the background-subtracted correlated pair density may reveal not only a short-range but also a long-range Δη dependence. This has important physics implication and may provide crucial information to disentangle physics mechanisms for the recently observed long-range ridge correlation in asymmetric proton-lead collisions at the LHC.Note:
- 4 pages, 1 figure
- 25.75.-q
- 25.75.Dw
- correction: acceptance
- two-particle: acceptance
- correlation: two-particle
- data analysis method: error
- rapidity: density
- Brookhaven RHIC Coll
- one-particle: acceptance
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