High-Temperature Expansion of Supersymmetric Partition Functions
Feb 26, 2015
27 pages
Published in:
- JHEP 07 (2015) 113
- Published: Jul 22, 2015
- 1502.07737 [hep-th]
Report number:
- MCTP-15-06,
- ITP-UU-15-03
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Abstract: (Springer)
Di Pietro and Komargodski have recently demonstrated a four-dimensional counterpart of Cardy’s formula, which gives the leading high-temperature (β → 0) behavior of supersymmetric partition functions Z(β). Focusing on superconformal theories, we elaborate on the subleading contributions to their formula when applied to free chiral and U(1) vector multiplets. In particular, we see that the high-temperature expansion of ln Z(β) terminates at order β. We also demonstrate how their formula must be modified when applied to SU(N ) toric quiver gauge theories in the planar (N → ∞) limit. Our method for regularizing the one-loop determinants of chiral and vector multiplets helps to clarify the relation between the 4d superconformal index and its corresponding supersymmetric partition function obtained by path-integration.Note:
- 15 pages plus appendices; v2: minor modifications and a "Note added"; v3: presentation improved and minor errors in app B corrected
- Supersymmetric gauge theory
- Anomalies in Field and String Theories
- AdSCFT Correspondence
- 1/N Expansion
- multiplet: vector
- gauge field theory: quiver
- partition function
- high temperature expansion
- field theory: conformal
- regularization
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