Citations per year

Abstract: (FIZ Karlsruhe)
In a recent paper [“Hypersymmetry bounds and three-dimensional higher-spin black holes”, J. High Energ. Phys. 2015, No. 21, 26 p. (2015; doi:10.1007/JHEP08(2015)021 (opens in new tab))], we have investigated hypersymmetry bounds in the context of simple anti-de Sitter hypergravity in 2+1 dimensions. We showed that these bounds involved non linearly the spin-2 and spin-4 charges, and were saturated by a class of extremal black holes, which are 14-hypersymmetric. We continue the analysis here by considering (M,N)-extended anti-de Sitter hypergravity models, based on the superalgebra osp(M|4)⊕osp(N|4). The asymptotic symmetry superalgebra is then the direct sum of two-copies of a W-superalgebra that contains so(M) (or so(N)) Kac-Moody currents of conformal weight 1, fermionic generators of conformal weight 5/2 and bosonic generators of conformal weight 4 in addition to the Virasoro generators. The nonlinear hypersymmetry bounds on the conserved charges are derived and shown to be saturated by a class of extreme hypersymmetric black holes which we explicitly construct.
  • To appear in the Proceedings of the workshop "Higher Spin Gauge Theories", Institute for Advanced Studies, NTU, Singapore, November 4-6, 2015
  • 81V17
  • 81R10
  • 17B67
  • 83C45
  • 83C57
  • charge: conservation law
  • anti-de Sitter
  • conformal
  • black hole
  • Kac-Moody