The nonperturbative renormalization group for quantum field theory in de Sitter space

Sep 28, 2016
115 pages
Thesis: PhD
  • Diderot U., Paris
(defense: Sep 28, 2016)
  • Published: Sep 28, 2016
Report number:
  • tel-01399798

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0 Citations
The study of cosmology draws us to the topic of quantum fields in curved space-time. In particular, light scalar fields offer a simple mechanism for inflation and primordial fluctuations. When computing loop corrections to these models however, infrared and secular divergences appear which call for resummation techniques. To this end, we implement the nonperturbative renormalization group for quantum scalar fields on a fixed de Sitter background. First, the Local Potential Approximation (LPA) is applied. We show that there is always symmetry restoration due to infrared effects, and that mass is generated in agreement with the stochastic approach. Next, we study the flat space limit of our formalism by taking the curvature H -> 0, and we check that it reproduces a number of known results. Finally, we discuss the derivative expansion, which goes beyond the LPA. Its implementation seems too complex in general curved space-times, but de Sitter symmetries allow for a simpler representation. We define a prescription for all orders of the expansion, and discuss the flow of the first order term in the simple case where we neglect the field dependency (LPA').
  • nonperturbative renormalization group
  • de Sitter space
  • quantum field theory
  • Groupe de renormalisation non perturbatif
  • Espace-temps de De Sitter
  • Nonperturbative renormalization group
  • De Sitter space;
  • renormalization group: nonperturbative
  • field theory: scalar
  • background: de Sitter