Cosmological Correlations in Power Law Inflation models

Mar 5, 2019

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Abstract: (arXiv)
Scalar field with non-minimal coupling to curvature scalar is studied in Robertson-Walker background. The infrared limit of two point function, and, in turn, of the energy-momentum tensor of scalar field have been considered in the power law inflation model. In this limit, within the perfect fluid model, consistent evolution of scale factor following power law inflation gives rise to growing mode solution for negative value of coupling constant. A simplified calculation for density perturbation in power law inflationary models is presented with these mode functions. Salient features of the perturbation spectra has been commented upon.
  • inflation: model
  • field theory: scalar
  • curvature: scalar
  • fluid: model
  • background: Robertson-Walker
  • tensor: energy-momentum
  • perturbation: spectrum
  • density: perturbation
  • coupling: nonminimal
  • two-point function