
Probing Charged Lepton Flavor Violation with the Mu2e Experiment

for the collaboration.
Feb 26, 2018
21 pages
Report number:

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0 Citations
  • Presented at DPG Spring meeting, Bochum, February 26, 2018
  • 1-MeV-equiv. neutrons/cm
    • [2]
      has been accumulated e- beam Cordellietal. subm.toJINST | HZDR | http// Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft8/10 Studying HPGe detector response at gELBE The gELBE bremsstrahlung facility was used to study HPGe detector performance in the presence of high beam pulse occupance. gELBE delivers a pulsed γ-beam with max. energy of 15 MeV. Up to 125kHz of gamma rates expected for Mu2e Stopping-Target Monitor HPGe detector during beam pulse - high average γ energy (∼ 5 MeV) - high beam pulse occupancy (∼ 20%) gELBE pulse separation of 2.4µs close to Mu2e’s 1.7µs proton pulse separation Goals of the beamtime: - Measure HPGe detector performance in the gELBE beam (energy resolution, radiation damage,...) - Understand best beam and detector geometry and position (including absorbers) HZDR provides radiation transport simulations using the FLUKA code to estimate γ energy spectrum, energy deposit in crystal etc. S. E. Müller | HZDR | http//
      • S.E. Müller