Ondas progressivas na cromodinâmica quântica de altas densidades aplicadas a processos inclusivos
2013146 pages
Thesis: PhD - Maria Beatriz Gay Ducati
- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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Abstract: (submitter)
The main subject of this thesis is the investigation of the saturation physics in high energy particle collisions. The saturation phenomena refer to the processes of parton (quarks and gluons) recombination that are expected to happen in the high energy limit of the Quantum Cromodynamics in order to tame the fast growing of the parton density inside the hadrons, and thus keep the scattering amplitudes unitary. The energy evolution for the amplitudes leading to this behavior is nonlinear, being the nonlinearities responsible for the unitarization process. In order to investigate the saturation phenomena in high energy collisions we lay on the color dipole formalism, which is based on the t’Hooft large Nc limit and considers the gluons emitted as the energy increases as a quark-antiquark pair. Thus, a factorization emerges, where the probe is represented by the interaction of such dipole pair, end its energy evolution, with the target; and being the main variables the transverse size – and its conjugate transverse momentum. The simplest evolution equation for the dipole amplitude is the Balistky-Kovchegov (BK) equa- tion, for which analytical solutions are not known. Asymptotically, however, it is possible to get infor- mation on its solutions, through a “mapping” of QCD into reaction-diffusion processes that put the BK equation equivalence class with the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Piscounov-Petrovsky (FKPP) equation. Such equation was largely studied in statistical physics problems and is known to admit traveling waves solutions. Using such BK asymptotic solutions to describe the large transverse momentum behavior, together with a expression that unitarizes the infrared region, it is possible to build models to the dipole scattering amplitude and thus describe the QCD processes at high energy. An example of such approach is the AGBS model for the dipole amplitude, that will be very useful in our analysis. The largest center of momentum energies available nowadays in colliders involve hadron colli- sions at LHC. This way we will use such collisions as laboratory to investigate the saturation physics; particularly, we will focus on inclusive hadron production in proton-proton and proton-nucleus colli- sions, from the viewpoint of distinct factorizations for the production cross section: the hybrid one, merging the collinear physics of the DGLAP evolution equation for the projectile partons and the saturation physics in the dense targets; and the kt factorization, treating both colliding hadrons as composite systems of partons with intrinsic transverse momentum. Within the hybrid formalism we performed a global analysis of the AGBS amplitude to the deep inelastic scattering (DIS) data coming from the collider HERA together with the inclusive production of hadrons in heavy ions collisions (proton–gold and proton–proton) at the RHIC. Such fit shows good results and emerges as one of few models that can accommodate simultaneously these distinct processes, and can be used to investigate the saturation physics in higher energies as those attained at the LHC. Using the kt factorization we got a better description of the central rapidity data measured at LHC, in comparison with the hybrid formalism, and thus we could map the distinct kinematic regions where each factorization applies. Besides that, under such factorization we could describe quite well the recently measured data in the proton-lead run at LHC. Comparing both factorization we realize that the kt one is better suited to deal with central rapidity data – if both colliding hadrons can be considered in the small-x region, while the hybrid factorization accommodates very well the small-x physics of the fragmentation region of the hadrons, in the froward rapidities. We also have made predictions to the nuclear modification ratio RpA using prompt photon production cross sections, that contains precise information on the initial state of the collision process once there is no strong interaction between the produced photon and the hadronic media in the final state. With this observable we expect the errors associated with higher order correction could be minimized, once we are taking cross section ratios and the K factors should cancel out. The AGBS predict a strong suppression of the nuclear ratio at forward rapidities, with is in opposite way as the collinear prediction.- Cromodinâmica quântica
- Espalhamento inelastico profundo
- Fenômeno de escalonamento
- Fisica de particulas elementares e campos
- Hadrons
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